July 27, 2024  

    Montenegrin National News Agency MINA - Infomont d.o.o.


Latest News:  EPCG to pay transmission costs.   Puletic and Tahirovic held into custody.   Regular pensions and implementation of social card.   

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  MINA Business
30 December 2014 15:26 pm
EPCG to pay transmission costs

Podgorica, (MINA-BUSINESS) - The companies involved in generation of electricity are obliged to pay for the transmission service, says the Chairman of Board of the Energy Regulatory Agency (RAE), Branislav Prelevic, adding that these costs should be covered by Elektroprivreda (EPCG), rather than by consumers.

In his interview for the Mina-business agency, Prelevic said that it was not natural for the local consumers to pay Montenegrin Electricity Transmission System (CGES) for part of the costs incurred by the EPCG..


30 December 2014 15:26 pm
EPCG to pay transmission costs

Podgorica, (MINA-BUSINESS) - The companies involved in generation of electricity are obliged to pay for the transmission service, says the Chairman of Board of the Energy Regulatory Agency (RAE), Branislav Prelevic, adding that these costs should be covered by Elektroprivreda (EPCG), rather than ... >> More >>

29 December 2014 14:13 pm
Puletic and Tahirovic held into custody

Podgorica, (MINA) - After hearing in the Higher Public Prosecution in Bijelo Polje, doctors Zvonko Puletic and Haka Tahirovic were held in custody, while employees of the Clinical Center of Montenegro (KCCG) Lj.D, F.V and S.J, after hearing in Podgorica were released from custody, it was stated b... >> More >>

26 December 2014 16:21 pm
Regular pensions and implementation of social card

Podgorica, (MINA-BUSINESS) - The Minister of Labour and Social Welfare, Predrag Boskovic, says that the social policy will focus on the regular payment of pensions next year, as well as on full implementation of social card system, and fight against negative elements in the labour market. Bos... >> More >>

23 December 2014 22:40 pm
New political movement established

Podgorica, (MINA) - The Civic Movement will fight for a civic state, democratic replacement of government and Euro-Atlantic values and will cooperate with anyone who wants to bring about change in the society, which at this moment excludes the Democratic Party of Socialists, a press conference was... >> More >>



26 July 2024 01:30 am
Radovic: Establishing the Credit Guarantee Fund is crucial for the financial system
26 July 2024 01:30 am
Telekom resumes financial and commercial growth in H1
26 July 2024 01:29 am
Montenegrin prosciutto on the European market soon
26 July 2024 01:29 am
Installation of solar panels in focus
26 July 2024 01:29 am
Public call launched for the Innovative Concept Verification Programme
26 July 2024 01:28 am
Bar Card is a solution for seasonal price hikes
26 July 2024 01:28 am
Kordic takes over office as Minister of Tourism
26 July 2024 01:27 am
Call for obtaining online reputation reports launched
25 July 2024 01:56 am
8B Capital S.A. is the sole bidder for leasing Zeljezara’s facilities
25 July 2024 01:55 am
Support for an initiative for interest rates reduction expected to continue
All headlines...  
26 July 2024 01:12 am
Mandic, Knezevic and Becic declared personae non grata in Croatia
26 July 2024 01:11 am
Becic: Obviously there is no criteria for Croatia’s decision
26 July 2024 01:11 am
Uljarevic: Croatia’s decision is a warning to Spajic and PES
26 July 2024 01:11 am
Grlic Radman: Croatia will not block Montenegro on its EU path
26 July 2024 01:10 am
Milatovic: Returning mandates to citizens is honorable way to resolve political crisis
26 July 2024 01:10 am
Mandic: We’re surprised by Croatia’s reaction, the Government not to impose reciprocal treatment
26 July 2024 01:09 am
PM Questions on 30 July
25 July 2024 01:45 am
Porfirije in Montenegro on Sunday
25 July 2024 01:44 am
EC: Delays in judicial appointments had impact on Montenegro’s judicial system
25 July 2024 01:44 am
Mandate of the Capital City Assembly’s shorten
All headlines... 
  Montenegro Daily
Nema clanaka!All headlines...  



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